Hazardous waste is waste that contains substances that have one or more properties such as: explosiveness, reactivity, flammability, irritability, toxicity, infectivity, carcinogenicity, etc. As a result of the hazardous substances contained in the hazardous waste, it poses a serious risk to the environment and human health if not treated properly and safely.

Although avoiding the generation and reduction of waste is the best practice, the generation of hazardous waste is an inevitable by-product in industry. Therefore, it is best to seek a solution for the disposal of hazardous waste before it is created. Hazardous waste management can be complex and costly for companies, especially if the company is continuously generating waste. Improper handling of hazardous waste can cause great harm to the environment and human health. For that reason hazardous waste management should be entrusted to professional and experienced partners such as Ekocentar 97.

Most hazardous waste cannot be recycled or reused and therefore must be destroyed / incinerated or disposed of. Considering that our country does not have an appropriate solution for the disposal of hazardous waste, most must be exported for incineration abroad. In the last few years, Ekocentar 97 has established cooperation with the largest incinerators in Europe that deal with the treatment of hazardous waste and can offer a solution for any type of hazardous waste. Our partners from France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland treat hazardous waste using advanced technology and environmentally friendly methods.

Ekocentar 97 has experience in hazardous waste management originating from the organic chemical industry, pharmaceutical, automotive, metallurgy, food industry and many others.


Phase one: Identification and classification of hazardous waste.

In order to determine the method and the price for the treatment of hazardous waste, it’s necessary to identify the type of waste.

Initial identification is based on Safety Data Sheet (SDS/MSDS) and/or chemical analysis provided by the client. The next step is determining the origin of the waste i.e., whether the waste is an expired chemical, not meeting certain specifications, a by-product of certain processes, etc. Additionally, it’s important to determine whether the waste chemicals are mixed with other substances (water, solvents, oil, other chemicals) because this affects the choice of disposal method, and thus the price.

If dealing with a mixture, SDS is not available or the waste is generated during a certain process, chemical analysis is necessary. The chemical analysis should be performed by an internationally accredited laboratory in order to be considered acceptable by the relevant institutions in the country or abroad.

After completion of the aforementioned steps, Ekocentar 97 determines the European Waste Code (EWC) and other characteristics of the waste.

During this phase, it’s useful to have a site visit in order to examine the actual situation of the waste (current packaging, storage conditions, quantities, etc.). Ekocentar 97 has experience with the identification and selection of hazardous waste of unknown origin, as well as with sampling and sending the samples to an accredited laboratory.

Second phase: Determining the disposal method and selection of disposal plant.

In the second phase, a request for treatment of hazardous waste is submitted to our partners in France, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria in order to confirm which disposal plant (incinerator) may accept the subject waste and properly dispose of it.

The process of waste identification and preparing an offer may take a few weeks.

Third phase: Determining the packaging for international transportation.

During transport, hazardous waste must be in appropriate packaging in order to avoid possible spillage or evaporation, and at the same time to comply with legal regulations. Hazardous waste must be packed in UN-approved packaging.

Transport of hazardous waste is performed only by drivers with ADR certificate with vehicles specialized for hazardous waste.

Forth phase: Collection and storage of the hazardous waste.

Prior waste collection, the client should provide information about the current condition of the waste (accessibility, packaging, exposure to external conditions, etc.). The next step is re-packing the waste and storing it into a temperature-controlled warehouse designated for hazardous waste.

Fifth phase: Preparation and submission of documentation for transboundary movement of waste.

Due to the lack of local waste disposal installations, most of the hazardous waste must be exported and treated/incinerated abroad. In accordance with the Macedonian and the European legislation, it’s necessary to prepare very extensive documentation which should be submitted to the relevant institutions in the countries of export, transit, and final destination. Ekocentar 97 has experience with application for TSF Notification and with export procedures.

It may take several months to complete this procedure and obtain consent from all concerned parties.


Ekocentar 97 offers a comprehensive suite of services spanning a wide range of hazardous and non-hazardous waste types and industries.



Gjorgji Kolozov no. 10, 1000 Skopje

+389 2 2551 068

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