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Hazardous waste is waste that contains substances that have one or more of the following properties: explosiveness, reactivity, flammability, irritation, toxicity, infectivity, carcinogenicity or corrosivity.

This type of waste poses a serious risk to human health and the environment. If not handled properly, it can also cause long-term negative consequences for the ecosystem.

Ekocentar 97 provides comprehensive hazardous waste management services to some of the largest industrial companies in North Macedonia that are the main generators of hazardous waste, including:


Identification and classification of hazardous waste


Storage and labelling at the creator/generator


Identification of the disposal/neutralization method and incinerator determination


Selection of packaging for international transportation


Collection and storage of hazardous waste in proper warehouses


Preparation and submission of documentation for obtaining the necessary permits and other paperwork for the export and transit of hazardous waste

In cooperation with our partners from Austria, Germany, France, Greece and Switzerland, Ekocentar 97 offers solutions for decontamination and remediation of contaminated sites (organic pollution, heavy metals, etc.), identification of unknown hazardous waste, and handling mercury or radioactive waste.

The equipment for handling hazardous waste includes anti-static pumps, plastic and stainless-steel spill containment trays and mobile anti-static lights, while the operation vehicles and machinery are equipped with spark arresters.

The highest priority while handling hazardous waste is the prevention and protection of human health and the environment from adverse effects. Therefore, Ekocentar 97 consistently uses portable gas detectors, MSA ALTAIR 5 Multi-gas and Honeywell BW Ultra Multi-Gas Detectors, which detect the presence of explosive gases, toxic gases, volatile organic compounds, inorganic compounds and more.

Employees have the latest personal protective anti-static equipment, including gas masks with filters for protection against organic and inorganic gasses and vapours, acid gases, sulphur dioxide (SO2), ammonia (NH3) and its derivatives.
