In accordance with the national legislation, Ekocentar 97 has the following permits and certificates related to its activity:

- Permit for performing activity storage and treatment of (hazardous and non-hazardous) waste Permit no. Up1-11/2-2483/2022 issued by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of North Macedonia on March 17.03.2023 valid until 16.03.2033

- Permit for performing the activity of collection and transport of communal and other types of non-hazardous waste with No.216 registered under number Up1-11/2-2225/2022 issued by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of North Macedonia on 17.01.2023 with validity until 16.01.2023

- Permit for performing the activity of collection and transport of hazardous waste with No. 14 registered under number Up1-31-629 / 2020 issued by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Macedonia on 01.07.2018 with validity until 29.06.2030

- Decision for extension of the Permit for collection and transport of hazardous waste number Up1-31-629 / 2020 from 29.06.2020

- Expert Waste Management License awarded by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning in 2014

- Certificate of Professional Competence for Transport Managers in Road Haulage obtained in November 2014

- License for public transport in N. Macedonia issued by the Ministry for Transport and Communications of Republic N. Macedonia, valid until 18 June 2024

-  Одобрение за вршење на превоз на опасни материи во патниот сообраќај со  број 00295/1 издадена од Министерство за транспорт и врски на Република С. Македонија на 02.03.2022 со важност до 02.03.2027 год.

- Other: ADR driver certificates earned by Ekocentar’s employees, Health and Safety Certificates for different positions

– ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018


Ekocentar 97 offers a comprehensive suite of services spanning a wide range of hazardous and non-hazardous waste types and industries.



Gjorgji Kolozov no. 10, 1000 Skopje

+389 2 2551 068


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All Rights Reserved
